..... edged writing beyond a mere occupation to a state of being, a prophetic and exilic stance from which to observe and critique mainstream society.....

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Purpose of your life:

On reading a lot on the this subject and having prelonged discussions with pretty much learned and experienced peaople i have come across my life , this toipc i found to be the most intresting and i know you all would agree with me.So in order to pass on my insight im writting what all bit that could make sence to me and the best i coud put it into words.
Ps- {this is just the begining,the story is yet to follow.There is deeper knowledge yet to be tapped and when and how it is shall be passed on.}
The whole purpose to be on this earth plane is for your soul to evolve and go back to the light from which it came. In order to do this you must experience "Love" and let go of any fears. We are joined in from lifetime to lifetime by "helpers" with whom we refer to as "Soul mates". There are two types of Soul mates: Companions and Karmic.First we need to explain your soul's purpose.Imagine in your mind: God, The Creator as energy of LOVE….whatever you believe in. Imagine this as a huge Ball of energy/light. We begin our journey as being part of this energy/light. While we are part of this light we are joined by other energies or souls who have the same purpose as we do. That is to come back to the light and to learn about this Divine energy. Our purpose is to remember who we are………we are Love, we have God within us, and we are all one. We make agreements with these other souls before we separate from this light that we will go through certain lessons and learn from them and return to the light ONCE WE HAVE LEARNED. The agreements we make with other souls is that they will help us to achieve this goal. We all have the same goal. The difference is that different souls have different purposes! Twin Flames and Soul mates are very different from one another.Soul matesAnyone already familiar with the concept of a soul mate is probably a bit of a romantic. Many people confuse soul mate relationships with Twin flame. There is a huge difference between the two. The difference between Twin Flames and Companion Soul mates and Karmic Soul mates is that Twin Flames are connected as one Spirit/divided to help one another reconnect. Companion Soul mates and Karmic Soul mates have their own "soul/spirit" and are here to "help" an individual soul with their path. The Path is The Path to Enlightenment.
A soul mate is a mirror and a mirror tends to reflect perfectly. What we see in another soul represents what we see in ourselves. For ultimately we have the same goal…….to be love. A companion soul mate is one that makes an agreement to help us in the lifetime that helps us to learn lessons. Many are project-oriented, well-mated, often have similar physical features, and who are extremely compatible.
While it is true that the soul mate condition may have been established by shared physical experiences over a long period, the relationship is often more than just physical attraction. There exists the capacity to help each other at the mental, as well as, the physical level.
In many cases, once a project is completed, there may be no further need for the relationship and the togetherness vanishes. Companion soul mates are not necessarily marriage partners.

So we all must identify the flames,soulmates and the Karmic mates of our life to help our soul to meet its goal and purpose as soon and as best it can.
Life needs to be lived, so why not the the hilt and without the guilt and having to have reborn again to start all over again. Its like falling in a school grade which no one approves of.

Some levels of life have to be passed without re-takes and there are no extra lives to built to help you on your wrong or missed choices.


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